Friday, June 10, 2011

Recap: LBT at Unionville Village Festival 2011

On Saturday June 4th, LBT was one of the vendors at the village market of Unionville Village Festival.

As expected, it rained in the morning. Not only did it rain, but it poured. I was so lucky to have two other wonderful vendors Peppercorn & Poppy and Stampin' up by Samantha Tam inside the tent with me to laugh about the water that was collecting on top of our tent, and using our one umbrella to empty it out... every 2 minutes... and getting wet during this process.. over and over again.

Despite the rain, the Festival Parade was still on at 10 am, and surprisingly there were enough people walking around the strip with their umbrellas and rainboots. Then at 1 pm, the sun came out to say hello, and within the next hour, everything dried up, and the streets were filled with people!

Abby, Peppercorn & Poppy's dog attracting many many people to bring them into our booth :)

Even though it was wet and cold the first half of the day, the last half was hot and BUSY!! It was a great turnout! Thank you to our friends and families who came to support and everyone else who dropped by our booth to say hello!

There's something that I always do at outdoor shows... and that's getting a corn to eat. Yummmmmmy!

LBT's next show is at Divas in the City2, a forum for female that feature speakers covering interesting topics including beauty, relationships, finance, careers, fashion and nutrition. You can purchase your tickets to this fabulous event here! LBT and other vendors will be there to satisfy your shopping urges between the lectures!

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